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2023 Global Supply Chain Landscape and Trends

2023 Global Supply Chain Landscape and Trends

This report analyzes the latest developments in global procurement patterns, as well as long-term trends and patterns of the past five years, with a focus on evolving supply chain challenges, digital transformation and shifting attitudes to ESG.

This White Paper will give you insights about:

  • Shifting procurement challenges and evolution of key supplier regions
  • Supply chain digitization trends
  • Impact of ESG legislation on sourcing practices
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Explore the findings of QIMA’s H1 2023 survey of 250+ businesses with international supply chains for insights into the key trends shaping global sourcing today and in the near future:

  • 2023 sourcing outlook fairly optimistic: 87% of businesses don’t expect supply chain disruptions to get worse this year
  • Going digital to boost visibility: supply chain visibility named among the main drivers for digital transformation
  • Spotlight on the supplier conduct: over half of businesses pay more attention to their suppliers’ business practices than a year ago
  • The price of supply chain diversification: brands with newly-diversified supplier networks enjoy greater flexibility, at the cost of struggles with quality and capacity
  • Nearshoring wins over reshoring by a landslide: U.S. businesses turn to Mexico before “buying American”
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