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QIMA Ethical Compliance Conference Opens Floor for Sharing Supply Chain Sustainability Experience

Ethical compliance has become an increasingly prominent element in global supply chains and procurement. Every day, brands are questioned - by the governments, NGOs, and consumers – about the state of human rights in their supply chain, environmental impact of their products, working conditions in their factories, and many more social and ethical issues. Transparency and sustainability are the words of the day.

The QIMA Ethical Compliance Conference, which took place in April 2017 in Hong Kong, brought together two hundred senior supply chain professionals and compliance experts, who discussed the many aspects of social accountability and ethical risks in global trade, and shared their experience and best practices on building sustainable supply chains.

The recorded conference sessions below are packed with valuable insights into existing and emerging supply chain risks, and actionable ideas for efficient CSR programs.

Session 1: Supply Chain Ethics and Child Labor Risks in Supply Chains

Current Status of Ethics and Social Accountability in Supply Chains (Gabriel Amouyal, Audit Services Manager, AI):

  • An overview of ethical audits: latest facts and figures
  • Challenges faced by ethical audits in 2016
  • What makes for an efficient CSR program?

Mitigating Child Labor Risks in Supply Chains (Ines Kaempfer, Executive Director, CCR CSR)

  • New and emerging child labor risks in the region
  • Defining responsible child labor remediation practices
  • Strategies to tackle the root causes of child labor

Q&A with Gabriel Amouyal and Ines Kaempfer

Session 2: Ongoing Trends in Ethical Compliance, and Digital Compliance Solutions

Supply Chain Trends, Emerging Risks, and New Solutions to Tackle Them (Cornelia Gomez, Ethical & Sustainability Practice Advisor, AI):

  • Short- and medium-term trends in ethical compliance
  • Emerging supply chain risks to watch out for in 2017
  • Best practices and new solutions to tackle the new risks and secure your supply chain

Use of Digital Technologies and Data Sharing to Improve Supply Chain Conditions (Vera Belazelkoska, Projects & Partnerships Lead, Ulula)

  • How digital technologies generate robust and reliable data on working conditions
  • Sourcing actionable data for continuous improvement
  • Data sharing for simplification and convergence, and current trends

Q&A with Cornelia Gomez and Vera Belazelkoska